Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 7 and 8

I would have loved to post these separately but ruggie has kept my hands tied, as I am sure you remember. When you read this, you will smile cause you are the one always saying "mom, mommy, mom, mom" joking about her.

Yesterday, day 7 started early...4am. I set the alarm with the "waves" nature sound...not the greatest idea with Earl. I woke up, in the dark, and took a quick survey of the house and outside. It was eerie. The clouds above were taunting, almost saying "here I come", but the wind and the water was calm. You would never guess that less than 100 miles off the coast was the demon. But, as time passed the clouds disappeared and Earl became a quicker memory than the nightmare the day before. Funny, you spent five days dreading and ten seconds realizing that it is not going to be as bad as expected. When ruggie arrived, we traveled to fort monroe and spent HOURS watching the surf. It was the best time I have had since you left.

Day 8...we started off the weekend morning in the same habitual routine as normal...chocolate pancakes (fill in the rest cause I know you can). I ventured to make the apple cobbler coffee. It was interesting, starting off sweet with apple lingering then followed by a butter pecan punch. I don't think I will buy it again, but everything is worth a try, right?

After that we ventured once again to the beach on fort monroe. We stopped at the actual beach by the could tell that a storm had existed in the ocean. There had to be thousands if not millions of shells and atleast ten horseshoe crab shells. Their fate determined by the storm that was only in my internal fears. We ended the day, wrapping up with a campfire and smores at Heather and Steves. We had fun, it was fun but I am happy to be home, ready for the comfort of bed.

The ruggie is already asleep, fast, snoring in the spot where you normally lie. Oh, how I miss you.

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